X Colóquio Internacional de Filosofia da Mente


: Brasília

: July 15 - 17, 2020

Tenth International Colloquium in the Philosophy of Mind

​The Second Person

X Colóquio Internacional de Filosofia da Mente

A segunda pessoa



JULY 15-17, 2020. BRASILIA, DF. BRAZIL​​





​​Mariana C. Broens ​(São Paulo State University - Brazil)

​​Adolfo M. Garcia ​(National University of Cordoba / LPEN – Argentina)

​​Sanford Goldberg ​(Northwestern University - USA)

​​Maria Eunice Q. Gonzalez ​(São Paulo State University - Brazil)

​​Simone Gozzano ​(University of L'Aquila - Italy)

​​​Roberto H. de Sá Pereira ​(Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - Brazil)​​

Diana Perez ​(University of Buenos Aires - Argentina)

Ernesto Perini Santos ​(Federal University of Minas Gerais - Brazil)



​​André J. Abath ​(Federal University of Minas Gerais)

​​Marco Aurélio S. Alves ​(Federal University of São João del-Rei)

​​Federico Boccaccini ​(University of Brasília)

Adriano Naves de Brito ​(Unisinos University)

​​Carlos Brito ​(Federal University of Ceará)

​​​Eros Carvalho ​(Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul)​​

Leonardo Lana Carvalho ​(Federal University of Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri)

Jonas Gonçalves Coelho ​(São Paulo State University)

Nara M. Figueiredo ​(Federal University of São Paulo)

André Leclerc ​(University of Brasília)

Daniel de Luca Noronha ​(Jesuit School of Philosophy and Theology)

Julia Telles de Menezes ​(Goethe University – Frankfurt)

Cesar Meurer ​(Federal University of Uberlândia)

Gabriel J. C. Mograbi ​(Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)

Pedro Henrique G. Muniz ​(State University of Ceará)

Tárik de Athayde de Prata ​(Federal University of Pernambuco)

Ivani Santana ​(Federal University of Bahia)

Marcos Antonio da Silva Filho ​(Federal University of Pernambuco)

Carlos Maria Marques Sosa ​(University of São Paulo)

Ludovic Soutif ​(Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro)

Sofia A. Stein ​(Unisinos University)



This year the topic of the conference is the role of second person in language, cognition, and action. The aim of the conference is to explore and clarify the second-person perspective in philosophy, broadly construed, within the conceptual framework offered by contemporary philosophy of mind. Recent research in this field as well as in psychology, psychiatry, and neurosciences has seen exponentially growing attention given to the issue of the second person in experience and knowledge. Naomi Eilan called this new trend in philosophy “the you turn”.

​The first focus of debate concerns what a second-person view could be. Does it exist something like an experience from the second-person point of view?  What is the structure of this kind of experience? What is the importance of the second person experience in order to give an account of our own experience? What is the relation between the second-person and the first-person view?

​A second focus concerns the place of the second person in language and cognition.  How does second-person reference work in consciousness and thought? Finally, what kind of knowledge is the knowledge from the second-person view? Something between subjective and objective? Or something totally different?

​The phenomenology, psychology, and conceptual analysis from a second-person point of view can be approached from many views and by several fields.

​The Organizing Committee of the Tenth International Colloquium in the Philosophy of Mind invites philosophers and scientists to submit abstracts or panel proposals for our next meeting in Brasilia, which will be held from 15th to 17th of July at the University of Brasília. Proposals regarding the phenomenology of second person and the debate about the second-person view in the history of philosophy are welcome as well.

Scientific Committee: André Joffily Abath (UFMG); Marco Aurélio Sousa Alves (UFSJ); Marcos Antonio Alves (UNESP); Federico Boccaccini (UnB); Mariana C. Broens (UNESP); Jonas Gonçalves Coelho (UNESP); Nara Miranda de Figueiredo (Unifesp); Maria Eunice Q. Gonzalez (UNESP); André Leclerc (UnB – CNPq); Beatriz Sorrento Marques (UFMT); Tárik de Athayde Prata (UFPE); Marco Antonio da Silva Filho (UFPE); Gustavo Leal Toledo (UFSJ).

Organizing Committee: Marco Aurélio S. Alves (UFSJ); Federico Boccaccini (UnB); André Leclerc (UnB – CNPq); J. C. Rodrigues (UnB); G. da Silva; J. V. Faria.



The first edition of the Internacional Colloquium on Philosophy of Mind was held in 1999 at The São Paulo State University (UNESP) at Marília, under the coordination of Maria Eunice Quilici Gonzalez and Michael Wrigley. The first Colloquium was dedicated to the topic "Internalist versus externalist accounts of conscious experience".  The second, third, fourth and fifth editions were held, respectively, in 2000, 2002, 2005 and 2009, at The Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB) at João Pessoa, under the general coordination of André Leclerc. These meetings were dedicated to the topics of mental causation, the mind/language relationship, reductionism and physicalism. The sixth edition, which took place at the The Federal University of Ceará (UFC) at Fortaleza, in 2011, under the coordination of André Leclerc and José Maria Arruda, was dedicated to the topic "Intentionality and Consciousness". The seventh edition was held at The São Paulo State University (UNESP) at Marília, in 2013, under the coordination of Mariana Broens, Maria Eunice Quilici Gonzalez and Kleber Cecon, and was dedicated to the topic "Information, Complexity and Action". The eighth edition was held at The Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) at Belo Horizonte, in 2016, under the coordination of Jonas Gonçalves Coelho, Leonardo Lana de Carvalho and André Abath, and it was dedicated to the topic "Free Will and Moral Agency". The ninth edition was held at the Federal University of São João del-Rei (UFSJ), in 2017, under the coordenation of Gustavo Leal Toledo, Rodrigo Gouvea, and Marco Aurélio Sousa Alves.

The tenth edition of the Colloquium will take place in 2020 at The University of Brasilia (UnB), under the coordination of Prof. Leclerc, and will discuss "The Second Person".

​​First International Colloquium on Philosophy of Mind

Internalism versus Externalism

Marília - SP, 1999

Second International Colloquium on Philosophy of Mind

João Pessoa - PB, 2000

Third International Colloquium on Philosophy of Mind

Mental causation

João Pessoa - PB, 2002

Fourth International Colloquium on Philosophy of Mind

Language and thought

João Pessoa - PB, 2005

Fifth International Colloquium on Philosophy of Mind

Physicalism and its Critics

João Pessoa - PB, 2009

Sixth International Colloquium on Philosophy of Mind

Intentionality and Consciousness

Fortaleza - CE, 2011

Seventh International Colloquium on Philosophy of Mind

Information, Complexity and Action

Marília - SP, 2013

Eighth International Colloquium on Philosophy of Mind

Free Will and Moral Agency

Belo Horizonte - MG, 2016

Ninth International Colloquium on Philosophy of Mind

São João del-Rei - MG, 2017

Tenth International Colloquium on Philosophy of Mind

The Second Person

Brasilia - DF, 2020


A primeira edição do Colóquio Internacional de Filosofia da Mente ocorreu em 1999, na UNESP/Marília, sob a coordenação da Profa. Dra. Maria Eunice Quilici Gonzalez e do Prof. Dr. Michael Wrigley, contando com financiamento da FAPESP e tendo como tema o debate entre as perspectivas internalista e externalista da experiência subjetiva da consciência. A segunda, terceira, quarta e quinta edições ocorreram, respectivamente, nos anos de 2000, 2002, 2005 e 2009, na UFPB/João Pessoa, sob a organização geral do Prof. Dr. André Leclerc, com auxílio da CAPES e do CNPq. Essas edições trataram temas como a causação mental, o fisicalismo, e a relação entre linguagem e pensamento. A sexta edição, que tratou do tema intencionalidade e consciência, foi realizada na UFC/Fortaleza, em 2011, sob a organização do Prof. Dr. André Leclerc e do Prof. Dr. José Maria Arruda, com financiamento da CAPES e do CNPq. A sétima edição tratou do tema informação, complexidade e ação, tendo sido realizada na UNESP/Marília, em 2013, sob a organização da Profa. Dra. Mariana C. Broens, Profa. Dra. Maria Eunice Quilici Gonzalez e Prof. Dr. Kleber Cecon, com recursos da FAPESP. A oitava edição ocorreu em abril de 2016, na UFMG/Belo Horizonte, com recursos da CAPES, tendo como tema o livre-arbítrio e agência moral e tendo sido organizada pelos Prof. Dr. Jonas Gonçalves Coelho, Prof. Dr. Leonardo Lana de Carvalho e Prof. Dr. André Abath. A nona e última edição ocorreu em abril de 2017, na UFSJ/São João del-Rei-MG, com auxílio da CAPES, CNPq, FAPEMIG e UFSJ, tendo sido organizada pelos Prof. Dr. Gustavo Leal Toledo, Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Gouvea, e Prof. Dr. Marco Aurélio Sousa Alves.

Nesta próxima edição, o evento ocorrerá na UnB/Brasília, sob a organização do Prof. Dr. André Leclerc, e terá como tema a segunda pessoa.

​I Colóquio Internacional de Filosofia da Mente

Internalismo versus externalismo

Marília - SP, 1999

II Colóquio Internacional de Filosofia da Mente

João Pessoa - PB, 2000

III Colóquio Internacional de Filosofia da Mente

Causação mental

João Pessoa - PB, 2002

IV Colóquio Internacional de Filosofia da Mente

Linguagem e pensamento

João Pessoa - PB, 2005

V Colóquio Internacional de Filosofia da Mente

O fisicalismo e seus críticos

João Pessoa - PB, 2009

VI Colóquio Internacional de Filosofia da Mente

Intencionalidade e consciência

Fortaleza - CE, 2011

VII Colóquio Internacional de Filosofia da Mente

Informação, complexidade e ação

Marília - SP, 2013

VIII Colóquio Internacional de Filosofia da Mente

Livre-arbítrio e agência moral

Belo Horizonte - MG, 2016

IX Colóquio Internacional de Filosofia da Mente

São João del-Rei - MG, 2017

X Colóquio Internacional de Filosofia da Mente

A segunda pessoa

Brasília - DF, 2020



July 15 / Wednesday

09:00 - Opening table / Mesa de abertura

09:30 - Keynote talk: Simone Gozzano (University of L’Aquila): “Phenomenal Roles and Second Person”

11:00 - Coffee break

11:30 - Painel 1: "The Plurality of Emotions in Social Cooperation" / Sofia A. Stein (Unisinos), Adriano Naves de Brito (Unisinos), Daniel de Luca Noronha (FAJE)

13:00 - Lunch

15:00 - Painel 2: “Enactivism and Cognition” / Marcos Antonio da Silva Filho (UFPE), Eros Carvalho (UFRGS), Carlos Brito (UFC)

16:30 - Coffee break

17:00 - Painel 3: “A filosofia da mente está se transformando em uma filosofia da linguagem? O caso do enativismo linguístico” / Nara M. Figueiredo (Unifesp/Capes), Ivani Santana (UFBA/CNPq), César Meurer (UFU/Capes)

19:00 - Keynote talk: Sanford Goldberg (Northwestern University): “I’m Telling You”.

July 16 / Thursday

09:00 - Keynote talk: Adolfo Garcia (Laboratorio de Psicología Experimental y Neurociencias - LPEN, Argentina): “Our mind beyond ourselves: How personal experience shapes social cognition.”

10:30 - Coffee break

11:00 - Painel 4: "Fineness of Grain and Demonstrative Concepts" / André J. Abath (UFMG), Marco Aurélio S. Alves (UFSJ), Julia Telles de Menezes (Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main)

13:00 - Lunch

15:00 - Keynote talk: Diana Perez (Universidad de Buenos Aires): “The Second Person”

16:30 - Coffee break

17:00 - Painel 5: "First -and Second- Person Singular and Plural" / Ludovic Soutif (PUC-Rio, CNPq), Carlos Mario Márquez Sosa (USP, FAPESP), Pedro Henrique Muniz (UECE)

19:00 - Keynote talk: Ernesto Perini Santos (UFMG): “Using Demonstratives”

July 17 / Friday

09:00 - Keynote talk: Roberto Horácio de Sá Pereira (UFRJ): “Other Minds”

10:30 - Coffee break

11:00 - Painel 6: “Intentionality and the Second-Person” / Federico Boccaccini (UnB), André Leclerc (UnB/CNPq), Leonardo Lana de Carvalho (UFVJM)

12:30 - Lunch

14:30 - Painel 7: “Consciousness, Empathy, and the Second Person” / Jonas Gonçalves Coelho (UNESP-Bauru), Gabriel J. C. Mograbi (UFRJ), Tárik de Athayde Prata (UFPE)

16:00 - Coffee break

17:00 - Keynote Closing talks: Maria Eunice Q. Gonzalez (UNESP-Marília) and Mariana C. Broens (UNESP-Marília): "A perspectiva de Segunda Pessoa na era dos Big Data / A perspectiva de Segunda Pessoa na era das relações interpessoais mediadas pelas TIC"




July 15 / Wednesday

​Room 1

11:30 - Communications / Comunicações

15:00 - Communications / Comunicações

17:00 - Communications / Comunicações

​Room 2

11:30 - Communications / Comunicações

15:00 - Communications / Comunicações

17:00 - Communications / Comunicações

​Room 3

11:30 - Communications / Comunicações

15:00 - Communications / Comunicações

17:00 - Communications / Comunicações

July 16 / Thursday

​Room 1

11:00 - Communications / Comunicações

17:00 - Communications / Comunicações

​Room 2

11:00 - Communications / Comunicações

17:00 - Communications / Comunicações

​Room 3

11:00 - Communications / Comunicações

17:00 - Communications / Comunicações

July 17 / Friday

​Room 1

11:00 - Communications / Comunicações

14:30 - Communications / Comunicações

​Room 2

11:00 - Communications / Comunicações

14:30 - Communications / Comunicações




Charge of registration for attending the conference:

​Professors and Researchers: $100 Reais

Teachers of basic education: $50 Reais

Graduated Students: $30 Reais

Undergraduate: $10 Reais


​Title and abstract should have between 500 and 800 words.

The abstract can be submitted through the Conference website: https://mindbrazil.wixsite.com/xcoloquio.

You can also submit your proposal at the following e-mail address: xcoloquiodefilosofiadamente@gmail.com


DEADLINE: March 31, 2020 at 12:00 a.m. (Brasilia time)

The Scientific Committee through a blind-review process will evaluate the abstracts. Acceptance or refusal will be notified by April 10.

​The languages of the seminar are Portuguese and English. The Organizing Committee does not cover the accommodation and travel costs of the conference.

Information about hotels will soon be available in this website: https://mindbrazil.wixsite.com/xcoloquio




Universidade de Brasília (UnB)

Campus Universitário Darcy Ribeiro, Brasília - DF



Email: xcoloquiodefilosofiadamente@gmail.com