Minicurso com a prof.a. NATÁLIA ANNA MICHNA (Jagiellonian University-Poland)
Data: 24/09 (terça-feira)
Horário: 9:00-13:00
Local: Sala de Defesas PPGFil (Prédio Humanidades 2 – 1º andar)
Minicurso com a prof.a. NATÁLIA ANNA MICHNA (Jagiellonian University-Poland)
Womxn and Their Bodies: Feminist Interventions in the Philosophy of Body
Data: 24/09 (terça-feira)
Horário: 9:00-13:00
Local: Sala de Defesas PPGFil (Prédio Humanidades 2 – 1º andar)
(1) Thinking, experiencing and the problem of gender difference (how gender influences everyday experiences, how gender influences knowledge)
(2) Types of experience and the feminist perspective (what – if any – is ‘womxn’s experience’?)
(3) The bodily dimension of (womxn’s) experience
(4) Womxn’s writing (French: écriture féminine) and “the body that speaks” (Irigaray)
(5) Embodied nomadic subjectivity (Braidotti)
(6) Corporeal feminism and the volatile body (Grosz)
(7) Phenomenology of the body and the idea of lived body (Young)
(8) Political body (Millett)
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