Aims of PPGFil

The general aim of the Program is to offer quality training in Philosophy, with a view to the training of researchers and educators, masters and PhDs in Philosophy, capable of conducting advanced studies in philosophy and/or contributing to reflection on philosophical issues and issues in areas related to Philosophy.

The specific aims are those that guide the activity of the Program:


- Regarding the training of students:

  1. Promote the production of excellent dissertations and theses of students, as well as increase the quantity and quality of student scientific production;
  2. Increase student participation in national and international academic events;
  3. To introduce the students in the activity of teaching through a teaching internship in the course of graduation in philosophy of FAFIL, thus promoting the integration between undergraduate and graduate;
  4. Encourage students to take part in research abroad.


- Regarding the Program and the teaching staff:

  1. To seek higher levels regarding the quantity and quality of research and scientific teaching production;
  2. Strengthen the academic and research exchange with other centers of study of Philosophy in Brazil and abroad;
  3. Expand the actions aimed at the internationalization of PPGFil.