Academic life in PPGFil

The PPGFil, together with the graduation of FAFIL, organizes the Weeks of Philosophy and Weeks of Integration Graduation / Post Graduation of the Faculty of Philosophy of the UFG since 1999. These great events involve the participation of invited professors from all over Brazil, besides the teachers of the university itself, with the presentation of works by undergraduate and graduate students from both UFG and other universities in the country. Other events with focus on more specific areas, themes and authors of Philosophy have also been regularly promoted by PPGFil, some of them with international coverage.

The PPGFil has a significant number of scholarships from Capes, CNPq and FAPEG, so that the students with good performance in the selection process have been able to develop their research with full support of the program. In addition, the program currently has two post-doctoral fellows PNPD from Capes, who have conducted research and contributed to teaching activities in college.

In view of the continuous work to improve its quality, PPGFil has been directing its efforts towards the pursuit of excellence in postgraduate studies, especially with the promotion of activities aimed at the internationalization of the program. In this sense, it is promoting the training of its professors in post-doctorates and missions of study and work abroad, as well as the arrival of foreign professors to teach courses, deliver lectures and to undertake research cooperations with PPGFil.

The program makes two selections per year: one for a master's degree and another for a doctorate's degree, both at the second semester of the year, and the enrollment is in the first semester of the following year. The selection involves the presentation of a research project, in agreement with the research of some of the professors of the Program, verification of the mastery of one (masters) or two (doctorate) foreign languages, proof of philosophical knowledge of the project, in addition to the analysis of the academic curriculum of the candidates. For foreign applicants it is not necessary to verify the foreign language, but the Portuguese language is required.

The deadline for completion of the master's degree is 18 to 24 months, being possible the extension up to 30 months, and a doctorate of 36 to 48 months, being possible the extension up to 60 months. Before the final defense of the dissertation or thesis, approval is required in the qualifying examination of the work.

The Program does not establish compulsory subjects for the students’ training, both in the master's degree and in the doctorate. There is a fixed number of credits which academics need to fulfill with approval, to be entitled to the defense of their work.


Total Master's Degree Credits:

Subjects: 16

Additional activity: 4


Total Credits for Doctorate Degree:

Subjects: 16

Additional activity: 8


PPGFil holds internal Research Seminars annually, in which students of the Program present the results of their research and discuss them with other students and professors of the Program.

The students develop the teaching internship in the undergraduate course in Philosophy, in the Faculty of Philosophy, mandatory for fellows and volunteer for non-fellows.