Academic Staff




Doctor in Philosophy (Unicamp, 2006)

Advising areas: Political Philosophy, Ethics, Aesthetics

Themes: Criticism of modernity, Criticism of culture, Biopolitics

Authors: Nietzsche, Foucault, Schopenhauer

Research Line: Ethics and Political Philosophy

Advisor of Master’s and Doctorate


Current research project:

The relations among politics, morality, formation and art in Nietzsche's preoccupation with culture

Nietzsche's critique of the culture of his time (embryonic, according to him, from Socratic thought) mobilizes his analyzes of Christian values, their interference in the modern democratic state, the utilitarian relationship with art (among other aspects analyzed by him). A time in which humanity bets on the idea of progress and believes that it has discovered the means for the attainment of happiness is a time, for him, of satiated individuals. Since such analyzes are tied to Nietzsche's concern with the conditions for outcropping of culture, he diagnoses his illness in mankind. Anything in his judgment that takes away creative impulses, will of grandiosity (Burckhardt's notion adopted in his thinking) requires genealogy and transvaluation. If creative potential no longer has the incentive and permission to manifestations, if life is reduced to the struggle for survival and the achievement of satisfactions (with welfare, security, rights), Nietzsche associates the reduction of politics with the reduction of impetus humanity: creative impetus. It is in this sense that the notion of life, which support the bonds established by Nietzsche among creation, nature and culture, require consideration of Schopenhauer's interference in his work (through the idea of life as Will), as well as his later elaboration of the notion of Will of Power. This project also aims at adhering to the Nietzschean conception of Formation (something which surpasses the access to knowledge that must be offered by the Teaching Institutions), since it also represents the artistic will of nature expressed in the uninterrupted elaboration of the life of each individual. The capacity for creation, proper to humanity, is also impaired if the elaboration of self (becoming what it is) is ignored and made impossible.


Lattes Curriculum:





Doctor in Philosophy (Unicamp, 2002)

Advising areas: Ethics, Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Law and Aesthetics

Authors: Hannah Arendt and some themes and aspects of the works of I. Kant, Giorgio Agamben, F. Nietzsche and Michel Foucault

Research Line: Ethics and Political Philosophy

Advisor of Master’s and Doctorate


Current research project:

Political modernity: the relationship between politics and economics

While in the project approved by the CNPq for the period of 2010 to 2013 we dedicated ourselves to investigate the affinity between the diagnoses of modernity conceived Arendt and Foucault from the problems raised by the centrality of biological life in the configuration of political and social life with a  more accentuated emphasis on the Arendtian work, we aim at the present project ,as an unfolding of this same problematic, to examine the transformations in modern politics arising from its progressive overlap with the economy, notably from its liberal matrix. Life, for Arendt, became a supreme good understood not only as naked life, as Agamben wanted, and not in the full plenitude of its possibilities, as Foucault seemed to suggest to a great extent as a result of the progressive centrality of the economy in the whole of social life. This diagnosis seems to be broadly related, in its general traits, to that conceived by Foucault in his courses of the late 1970s as Birth of biopolitics and Security, territory, population, this is our most general hypothesis. For this investigation, the delimitation of the contours of what Arendt names animal laborans and of what Foucault denominates homo oeconomicus will be still central.


Arendt and Nietzsche about the tragic of action

The initial indications for our reflection about the tragic of action were provided by Hannah Arendt in The Human Condition, especially when it reflects on the vicissitudes of the activity of action and on its possibilities to redeem itself of its misfortunes through the promise and forgiveness. Reflecting on the promise as expedient of redemption from the unpredictability of action, Arendt refers directly to Nietzsche, as we shall indicate, as he conceives of forgiveness as a remedy for the irreversibility of action by referring specifically to Jesus of Nazareth. It remains as a suspect, and now as one of the hypotheses of this research, the affinity between the capacity for reconciliation through forgiveness in Arendt with that through forgetfulness, as Nietzsche examines at the beginning of the second dissertation of The genealogy of morality. This suspicion was later reinforced by Paul Ricoeur's analyzes in the epilogue to his work Memory, History, and Forgetting, entitled "Difficult Forgiveness," in which he not only brings forgetfulness and forgiveness together but also articulates the concerns of Arendt and Nietzsche with the intimate relationship between conservation of the capacity for the new through action and the establishment of a relationship reconciled with the past. While Arendt shied away from psychological considerations, so to speak, and focused his attention on the implications of the misfortunes of action in the web of human relations, Nietzsche placed more explicitly his reflection on the capacity for the new in the field of resentment psychology and therapeutic dossiers which are able to redeem the active individual from impotence due to their compulsive binding to an unavailable past that cannot be transformed. Finally, the considerations of Bernard Williams and Martha Nussbaum on the relation between action and contingency (internal and external) and Pierre Aubenque on the tragic source of Aristotelian reflection on practical philosophy form the more general framework from which we will seek to reflect, from the works of Nietzsche and Arendt on the links between the weaknesses of action and their demands for redemption, but also between action and deliberate self-constitution (self/Selbst). The recent efforts of several well-known researchers of the works of Nietzsche and Arendt for articulating and explaining the affinities in the works of both, notably in regard to a reflection on action, without ignoring the profuse divergent points, ended up creating suitable conditions for a reflection on the relation between action, contingency and redemption/reconciliation in the work of both. We consider the subject highly relevant to the interpretation of decisive aspects of the works of Nietzsche and Arendt, but also to the contemporary reflections on ethics and politics.


Lattes Curriculum:





Doctor in Philosophy (USP, 2009)

Advising areas: Metaphysics, Epistemology and Ethics in Ancient Philosophy

Themes: He has experience in the area of Ancient Philosophy, with an emphasis on Platonism and Socratism. Besides these themes, he also has an interest in Aristotelian ethics, Aristotle's criticism of Plato, and Aristotelian doctrine of substance

Authors: Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle

Research Line: Metaphysics and Theory of Knowledge

Advisor of Master’s and Doctorate


Current research project:

The Platonic notion of episteme in the texts of the intermediate period

This research bets on the thesis that the texts of the intermediate phase discuss new solutions to the problem of epistemic acquisition. In this period, Plato seems to present a set of new distinctions aimed at disciplining some of the problems posed by Socratism. In Plato's view, to produce new results in comparison to Socratism means to formulate primitive definitions and notions to articulate a certain field of knowledge. It is a matter of passing from the awareness of the inconsistency of certain propositions, a knowledge guaranteed by the rules, to the possession of the knowledge of reasons.


Lattes Curriculum:





Doctor in Philosophy (PUC-RJ, 2002)

Advising areas: Analytical Philosophy, Semantics, Externalism, Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics

Themes: Logic

Authors: Wittgenstein, Frege, Quine, Davidson, Dummett, Kripke, Lewis

Research Line: Logic and Philosophy of Language

Advisor of Master’s and Doctorate


Current research project:

Wittgenstein, Categorical Mathematics and Space Theories

Description: This research project is a continuation of the previous proposal CNPq 305076/2010-8 of the period 2011/2013. The guiding idea of this project, the suggestion of approaching Wittgenstein's notions of rule, of categorical observation, of Quine, of the notion of morphism, of Category Theory, remains central. The important novelty of the present project is a more organic connection of a sub-theme of the previous research, the Soft Analysis, with the main hypothesis. This was due to recent progress in our understanding of the subject. The new idea is that it would be illuminating to see the contrast between the approaches we are favoring (Wittgenstein's and Theory of Categories), and other approaches (such as the Classical and the Intuitionist) as fundamentally concerned with how they understand idea of applying mathematics to empirical contexts. In the new approaches, this connection would be of second order, and not of first order, as the more traditional proposals want. Mathematics would not speak directly about empirical reality, but rather about concepts which, in turn, can be used in empirical propositions.


Lattes Curriculum:





Doctor in Philosophy (UFRJ, 2004)

Advising areas: Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Logic and Semantics, Theory of Knowledge and Epistemology

Themes: Quine (especially in discussions on the thesis of the indeterminacy of translation, the semantic and epistemological role of categories of observation and ontological relativism); discussions about conceptual relativism and incommensurability between theories, especially in Wittgenstein, Davidson and Quine; philosophy of logic: theory of models, theory of categories, morphisms and groups, theory of types; Frege

Authors: Quine, Davidson, Frege, Goodman, Wittgenstein (2nd phase), Carnap and positivists, English empiricists (Locke, Hume, Berkeley)

Research Line: Logic and Philosophy of Language

Advisor of Master’s and Doctorate


Current research project:

A critique of the functional vision of language and an apology of the categorical view: alternative models and communication rupture

We will have two important goals in this research: a first one of a more preparatory and investigative character, in which we will discuss certain problems and difficulties and a second one, of a more positive character, in which we will investigate alternatives to the problems raised. In the first stage, we will investigate the notion of compositionality in Plato, Aristotle, Frege, Wittgenstein, and Quine, associating this notion with the problems that its presupposition intends to solve, namely: the problem of the false and the problem of the new sentences. Our hypothesis will consist, at this initial stage, in considering this notion as the main villain of theories that are intended to be universal theories of language. To support our hypothesis, we will investigate in detail two famous arguments which, in our view, seek above all to question this notion in its role of a priori foundation of any language: Wittgenstein's argument against private language and the theory of translation indetermination (both the reference and the strongest thesis of the polysynthetic indetermination) of Quine. In the second stage, we intend to investigate a bold alternative which we consider to be effectively the proposal of the arguments in question: that, instead of speaking in terms a priori of meaning (including the postulation of entities), prior to any discourse, that would give us the conditions for composing the meaning of the sentence from the reference of its parts, let us speak in linguistic exchange. This exchange would involve, at its base, universal structures that would be available only at the level of clusters of whole sentences, the minimal units of discourse. They would also involve objects, but only as those objects that should be postulated so that the sentences of any language were true. We believe that the space sought by the arguments of these two philosophers, and on our own, is the possibility of semantic change of concepts from conditions.


Frege and Quine: Continuation or Rupture?

The focus of our investigation will be the works of two important philosophers of the analytical tradition: W. V. O. Quine and Gottlob Frege. In particular, we will draw a parallel between the notion of "meaning" criticized by Quine and the sense / reference distinction established by Frege. We will try to explain this notion through the idea of conditions of truth, present in Frege's work and of fundamental importance in Quine's work.


Lattes Curriculum:






Doctor in Philosophy (Unicamp, 2003)

Advising areas: Aesthetics and Politics

Themes: Philosophy and literary genres; Philosophy of the film; Modern and Contemporary Aesthetics

Authors: Walter Benjamin, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, David Hume

Research Line: Ethics and Political Philosophy, Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art

Advisor of Master’s and Doctorate


Current research project:

Critical Theory, Gender and Aesthetics

My current research deals with the nexus between contemporary gender theories, aesthetics and Critical Theory. The main theories belong to the tradition of critical theory, with emphasis on aesthetic, ethical and political concerns. The philosophical understanding of this relationship is the basis for Judith Butler and Julia Kristeva's reflections on discussions of gender, sexuality, feminism, performance, abjection, and eroticism. The breadth of this research, therefore, provides a critical review of the relationship between critical theory, feminism and aesthetics, in order to organize parameters of theoretical distinction and approximation between these ranges, with a view to configuring current problems that echo the theories of authors linked to Critical Theory. Among my other research interests in the field of Aesthetics, developed in previous research projects, are modern aesthetics, theories on taste, contemporary German aesthetics, philosophy and literature, and film-philosophy.


Lattes Curriculum





Doctor in Philosophy (USP, 2009)

Advising areas: Modern Philosophy

Authors: Spinoza

Research Line: Metaphysics and Theory of Knowledge

Advisor of Master’s and Doctorate


Current research project:

Medicine Mentis: The Sixteenth-Century Genetic Logic and Its Origins in the Aristotelian Tradition

This research aims to investigate, in the transmission of Aristotelian logic to the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, the historical origins and conceptual bases of modern theories of genetic definitions, examining in particular how these theories are inscribed in the tradition that conceives logic as a sort of thought therapy. Although already used by Euclid, but still as an adjunct procedure, the definitions of geometric figures through the generative movement in modernity are important discussions about the mathematical bases of the new science of nature, suggesting that, symmetric with the known sixteenth century effort of mathematization of physics, there was also a complementary process of physicalization of mathematics. And taken from the idea of mathematical amendment (Hobbes), or from the amendment of the intellect (Spinoza), this process can be characterized as a medicine of the mind (Medicina Mentis), as effectively designated by the German mathematician EW von Tschirnhaus, interlocutor of Spinoza and Leibniz in his book Medicine of the Mind or Essay of a Genuine Logic. Therefore, focusing on the implications of this geometric-genetic paradigm for the logical question of the form of the definition and the epistemic question of its cognitive scope, this research will examine the hypothesis that despite the explicit censorship of the modern to the Aristotelian theory of the definition by gender and specific difference there is a determinant dependence of the sixteenth century theories of the genetic definition on the notion of quasi-demonstrative definition, elaborated by Aristotle especially in Book II of the Later Analytics, in which it is discussed that the scientific definition must have an explanatory scope, beyond success in the mere extensional administration of objects. For the verification of such hypothesis, it will be determined the late scholastic mediations (Zabarella and Suarez) that communicate this chapter of the Aristotelian logic to the modern philosophers.


Lattes Curriculum: 





Doctor in Philosophy (UERJ, 2007)

Advising areas: Contemporary French Philosophy, epistemology, ontology, poetics and literature

Themes: Contemporary French Philosophy, epistemology, ontology, poetics and literature

Authors: Bachelard, Bergson, Canguilhem, Koyre. Depending on the theme: Merleau-Ponty, Husserl and Heidegger

Research Line: Metaphysics and Theory of Knowledge, Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art

Advisor of Master’s and Doctorate


Current research project:

The experience of time: about metaphysics in Henri Bergson and Gaston Bachelard

This research project has as main objective to examine the hypothesis that a metaphysics pervades both the philosophy of Henri Bergson (1859-1941) and that of Gaston Bachelard (1884-1962) and that this aspect is fundamental to the analysis of the thinking of both. For this analysis, the philosophical problem of time must be the guiding thread. This traditional philosophical theme appears in a very particular way in the two philosophers: it is, above all, an experience. Thus it is this irrevocable experience of time which, as the title suggests, enables us to reach the core of both Bergsonian and Bachelardian metaphysics, and by the same movement also allows us to understand the meaning that philosophical reflection holds for both. In view of this experience of time, which requires a metaphysical reflection that makes philosophy dependent on experience, science and literature (or even the work of art in general) present themselves to reflection.


Gaston Bachelard and the question of ontology in science and literature

The purpose of the project is to examine the hypothesis that an ontology underlies all the reflection dedicated by the French philosopher Gaston Bachelard to both science and literature, and that this ontology, not developed by him for reasons inherent in his philosophical project, is that it supports its epistemology as well as its literary philosophy. It is also intended to examine possible unfoldings from his thought.


Lattes Curriculum:





Doctor in Philosophy (USP, 2015)

Advising areas: Philosophy of Mind; Philosophy of Psychology; Epistemology; Philosophy of Science.

Themes:  (1) issues in philosophy of mind, such as the relations between mental and behavioral phenomena, prospects of physicalism, nature and reach of self-knowledge and knowledge of others; (2) philosophical issues about behavior, such as how actions differ from other behaviors, function ascriptions to them, the notion of covert behaviors; (3) structure and theoretical dynamics of behavior analysis and its relations to other sciences and other research programs in psychology; (4) criteria, structure and reach of justification and knowledge; (5) science, pseudoscience, and the cognitive reach of scientific theories.

Authors:  The theories of several authors regarding those themes.

Research Line: Logic and Philosophy of Language

Advisor of Master’s

Current research project:

Functions and Behaviors

The focus of this research is upon some philosophical issues and approaches about functions (or purposes) and behaviors (including actions). What are the basic features of behaviors? How actions differ from other behaviors? How are we to conceive of covert behaviors? What does it mean for a behavior to have a function or be goal-directed? A main goal is to study and assess several approaches devised as answers to these questions. We pursue (like R. G. Millikan, but with some differences) an account of behaviors as functional phenomena. The aim is to contribute to the discussions about the contours of the concepts at stake: behavior, action, covert behavior, and function.

Lattes Curriculum:

Profile - Academia:





Doctor in Philosophy (UFSCar, 2011)

Advising areas: Philosophy of Time, Philosophy of Language and Philosophy of Photography

Themes: Metaphysics and ontology of time, memory and phenomenology of time, philosophy of photography

Authors: Wittgenstein, Bertrand Russell, Mctaggart

Research Line: Logic and Philosophy of Language, Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art

Advisor of Master’s and Doctorate


Current research project:

Photography, time and memory: an analytical approach to the philosophy of photography

The research that will be exposed in the following general lines, proposes a research in 4 years to be developed in the program of Post-Graduation, in the Philosophy course of the Faculty of Philosophy of UFG and in partnership with the extension project, coordinated by the proponent, Philosophy of Photography Group of FAFIL / UFG. The aim of this research is to develop a new approach to the analysis and understanding of the philosophical status of photographic images, taking into account the categories and theses of analytical philosophy and the parallel with the discussions about time metaphysics and episodic memories. Three questions will guide the analysis to be developed in the project: i) what kind of knowledge about the world we have through photographs, ii) what the logical function performed by the photographs in the thoughts about entities known through photographs is and iii) what the temporal (in the field of time metaphysics) and aesthetics implications of the lines of answer of previous inquiries are. The study of the answers to these questions, present in the bibliography on the subject, allows contrasting two general interpretative lines: photography as (1) knowledge by acquaintance and as (2) knowledge by description. (1) The treatment of photography as knowledge by familiarity conceives of it as a transparent medium (a form of prosthetic vision), which would allow to extend space-temporally the domain of entities known by familiarity. This conception develops a photographic version of direct referential semantic theories, supported by a causal theory of reference. The photograph would have a logical function similar to a Russian name (a demonstrative one), which points to particular entities from the past, through the causal route which links photography to the referent. Thus, photography should enable objects-dependent thoughts (singular thoughts) about the entities photographed, since it is the entity about which we think, itself, that would be given to us through photography. (2) The treatment of photography as knowledge by description displaces the logical function of photography from the referential to the predicative function. In this interpretive line, photography would exemplify phenomenal properties, which would be attributed to an entity, to which we would not have access through the image. When we think about an entity known by means of photography, we would have a general (object-independent) thought, of which it was the case that there is someone (or something) that has similar visual properties to those exemplified in photography. In general, this project aims to develop a critical analysis of the treatment of photography as knowledge by familiarity, a defense of conception as knowledge by description as well as exploring the aesthetic and temporal consequences of these interpretive lines.


Wittgenstein's analysis of time and memory and the development of his philosophy

The purpose of this four-year research is to study the relevance of Wittgenstein's analysis of time and memory as an important thread in the development of his philosophy. From the establishment of this reading, this project aims to explore Wittgenstein's interlocution with authors who also worked on time and memory.


Lattes Curriculum: 





Doctor in Philosophy (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, 1990)

Advising areas: Kant and German Idealism

Themes: Subjectivity, transcendental and speculative logic, monism

Authors: Kant, Fichte, Hegel

Research Line: Metaphysics and Theory of Knowledge

Advisor of Master’s and Doctorate


Current research project:

Monistic thinking and elucidation of consciousness in the late philosophy of Fichte

Fichte’s late theory of consciousness involves two central theses: first, that consciousness is not ontologically absolute, but founded on an instance that is not constructed by it (the thesis of consciousness as "image" (Bild) of Being); second, that consciousness produces its intentional structure autonomously (the thesis of the self-organizing character of consciousness). The main objective of the project is to make explicit the combination of the conception of consciousness as an image of the Self with the defense of its spontaneous and self-constitutive character in Fichte’s theory of consciousness and to locate it in the context of post-Kantian philosophy by relating it to the thought of Jacobi, Schelling and Hegel. For this, it will be necessary to investigate the different approaches to consciousness that are found in the Fichte lectures between 1810 and 1814, both in the five versions of the Doctrine of Science and in the introductory lectures that Fichte presented at that time. It is a central hypothesis of the project that the late Fichte's thought seeks to respond to the accusation of "nihilism" raised by Jacobi against the idealism of the Doctrine of Science without giving up the thesis that the "objective idea of the world" is a product of activity of consciousness by which it generates its own theoretical and practical intentionality.


Revelation, Manifestation and Freedom. About a central question of German idealism

The thesis that the absolute manifests itself in man as a free being is a central element in the thought of German idealism as "spinozism of freedom." The aim of the project is to reconstruct the conceptual link between manifestation (or revelation) and freedom in the mature thinking of Fichte and Schelling and in Hegel's encyclopedic system.


Lattes Curriculum:





Doctor in Philosophy (USP, 2002)

Advising areas: Ethics and Political Philosophy

Themes: constitution of the democratic state, freedom, equality, citizenship, participation, virtue, structure, exercise and legitimacy of power, democracy-republic relation

Authors: Tocqueville and Rousseau, first, but also Machiavelli, Hobbes and Locke

Research Line: Ethics and Political Philosophy

Advisor of Master’s and Doctorate


Current research project:

Democracy: intertwining civil, social and political rights

The main objective of this project is to discuss the interlacing of civil, social and political rights as a condition for achieving democracy. We will start from the discussion about the relationship between social inclusion and citizenship to investigate the relationship among civil, social and political rights. From our point of view, in Tocquevillean thought there is a circular requirement between social inclusion and citizenship that does not dispense with the action of all concerned. We will investigate, first, some situations of social exclusion (poverty, slavery, prejudices) treated by Tocqueville in view of their reflections on the action of the concerned ones as protagonists of their inclusion. Secondly, we will also investigate the state's legal procedures and institutions in the process of building civil, social and political rights, once they ensure civil, social and political gains, while at the same time conferring stability on democracy. Although legal and institutional protection is a necessary condition for guaranteeing citizens' rights and for the stability of the state, such protection is no longer enough. Although Tocqueville, as a writer and politician, strives to build civil, social, and political conditions that promote convergence among citizens and institutional stability, he is nevertheless very clear about the tensions that permeate relations between citizens and government. Our third object of discussion will be, finally, the relation between the popular clamor and the governability in the democratic state. Although Democracy in America remains an important reference for the development of this project, we will first investigate The Old Regime and the Revolution and the Memories of 1848 along with the texts of his travels, letters, political speeches, drafts, as we consider that the confrontation among his writings directed to the general public and his more personal writings will allow to broaden and deepen the understanding and the discussion of the Tocquevillean thought on the subject. At the same time, we will try to confront Tocqueville's thinking with the authors who are his constant reference, as is the case of Montesquieu and Rousseau, facilitating the understanding of his locus in the tradition of philosophical-political thought; and with authors who succeed him as is the case of Arendt, Habermas and Lefort favoring the extension of the discussion of the subjects investigated.


Lattes Curriculum:





Doctor in Philosophy (Unicamp, 2006)

Advising areas: Ethics, Metaphysics, Transcendental Philosophy, German Idealism, Aesthetics

Themes: Metaphysics, Systematic Philosophy and its relation with Ethics, Subjectivity, Teleology, Life and Knowledge, Art and Nature

Authors: Hegel's philosophy, especially the Science of Logic, the Philosophy of Law and the Philosophy of History. Some aspects of the philosophy of Aristotle, Kant, Hobbes and Rousseau

Research Line: Metaphysics and Theory of Knowledge

Advisor of Master’s and Doctorate


Current research project:

Nature and History in Kant and Hegel

The project, "Nature and History in Kant and Hegel", aims to deal with the Philosophy of History in the respective authors, having as an argumentative horizon the understanding of nature elaborated by them. Faced with a mechanistic and reductionist view of nature, both authors will try to think it together with the idea of final cause, retaking the teleological principle as a fundamental principle to safeguard the freedom of human action. Although the treatment of nature is given differently for both, we will try to show that it is from it, with the idea of external teleology and internal teleology that one can have a real understanding of the history in these authors, this because the freedom of action is intrinsically linked with the possibility of transcendental freedom in the case of Kant, and with the binomial freedom / necessity, as an end in itself, in the case of Hegel.


Lattes Curriculum:





Doctor in Philosophy (PUC-RS, 2006)

Advising areas: Phenomenology, Metaphysics

Themes: General Themes of the Phenomenology; Subjectivity and Intersubjectivity; Metaphysics and Ontology and its relation with ethics, especially in contemporary thought, and some more specific themes in the medieval writers: Augustine and Thomas Aquinas

Authors: Husserl, Heidegger, Levinas, Edith Stein, Augustine

Research Line: Metaphysics and Theory of Knowledge

Advisor of Master’s and Doctorate


Current research project:

Metaphysical questions in phenomenology

The project aims to analyze the conception of being and the sense of being implied in Husserl's phenomenology; I am particularly interested in understanding and reflecting about the relationship between being and transcendental subjectivity and the question of the transcendence of being in relation to transcendental subjectivity, as well as in understanding the relation between being and good, important for the elucidation of the meaning of the sense of being. The hypothesis of research is that within Husserl's phenomenology there is no satisfactory answer to a conception of being radically transcendent in relation to subjectivity, which in my view also calls into question the understanding of the sense of being. Husserl however thought, from phenomenology and beyond, the possibility and necessity of a metaphysics as universal and radical science of facts. Since he himself did not develop it, in this research I propose to analyze the thinking of other phenomenologists, influenced by Husserl, particularly Edith Stein, to verify such possibility of the elaboration of a conception of being and the sense of being. A final objective of the research is the analysis of the question about the being and its relation with the good in some other authors of the metaphysical tradition.


Being, interiority and transcendence in Augustine

In the present project we intend, from the problem of the relation between subjectivity and transcendence in Husserl's phenomenology, to investigate the comprehension of being, interiority and its relationship with transcendence in the philosophy of Augustine. In its conception of being, it is possible to show the radical transcendence of the divine being in relation to the being of creatures, but also the tendency of creatures, especially of the human soul, inscribed in their being, to transcend in relation to the divine being. To understand this transcendence, the conception of interiority is fundamental. It is intended to investigate three aspects of the transcendence of the soul: while it is temporal, insofar as time is understood only in relation to eternity, to which the soul tends; in its process of knowledge, the necessary interiorization is at the same time an ascension towards the transcendent Truth to the soul, which, however, can only be known by the intervention of the Truth in the interiority of the soul; the third aspect studied is the transcendence of the soul towards the Supreme Good, by the love that moves the will and that is indispensable also for the knowledge of the Truth. The final aim of the research is evaluating to what extent the Augustinian conception constitutes an alternative for the understanding of the problems implied in the phenomenological conception of transcendence from subjectivity.


Lattes Curriculum:





Doctor in Philosophy (PUC-RJ, 2010)

Advising areas: Ethics, Politics

Themes: Ancient Ethics (Aristotle, Hellenistic ethics); Modern Ethics (Kant, Utilitarianism); Contemporary Ethics (Ethics of Virtues, Ethics of Care, bioethics); Contemporary Politics (Rawls, Communitarianism, Politics of Recognition), the Problem of free will; feminism.

Authors: Aristotle, Stoics, Kant, Rawls, Charles Taylor, MacIntyre, Michael Sandel, contemporary authors linked to utilitarianism, bioethics, Ethics of Virtue and Ethics of Care, Axel Honneth, contemporary authors linked to the free will debate (Alfred Mele, Derk Pereboom).

Research Line: Ethics and Political Philosophy

Advisor of Master’s


Current research project:

Virtue ethics and care ethics as alternative proposals to consequentialist and deontological ethics

Description: We can consider that contemporary ethics still revolves around two main trends that emerged in the course of the modern era: Kantianism (the main representative of deontological ethics) and utilitarianism (main representative of consequentialist ethics). In the last 30 years, however, this picture has begun to change. Alternative proposals emerged that stood in opposition to both Kantianism and utilitarianism. These proposals tended to criticize elements that would be common to these two trends, such as the emphasis on coercive moral concepts such as duty and obligation, impartiality, universalism, formal principles and procedural models (Van Hook, 2006: 8). Among these proposals, we can identify, above all, the Virtue Ethics (virtue ethics) and the Ethics of Care. The present moment of moral philosophy is still characterized by an effort by the latter to assert itself as alternative trends, many critics, in fact, consider that they only bring new elements that enrich Kantianism and utilitarianism without having the strength to stand as ethical movements per se (NUSSBAUM, 1999). This is the contemporary context in which this project is inserted. We intend to contribute to the strengthening of the Ethics of Virtue and the Ethics of Care as alternative proposals to utilitarianism and neo-Kantianism. To do so, we must recall some relevant features of this debate.


Lattes Curriculum:





Doctor in Philosophy (Unicamp, 2009)

Advising areas: Political Philosophy, ethics

Themes: Concepts of freedom; conceptions about State and sovereignty; republicanism; political liberalism; citizenship; relations between historical thought and political theory

Authors: Machiavelli, Montesquieu, Rousseau, Rawls, Sandel

Research Line: Ethics and Political Philosophy

Advisor of Master’s and Doctorate


Current research project:

Republicanism and the Critique of Liberal Political Philosophy

Liberalism is a line of thought that has gained substantial space in the last two hundred years, both within Political Philosophy and in the laws and institutions of states, with John Rawls as one of its most outstanding intellectuals in the twentieth century. However, although the American philosopher Michael J. Sandel acknowledges the importance of various proposals advocated by liberals, he does not consider them enough to promote a vigorous civic life, and seeks to confront the moral vacuum in the political sphere - which he sees as largely as a result of the predominance of liberal thought - through a republicanism appropriate to the challenges of our time. Thus, the central aim of this project is investigating some of the crucial issues posed by this debate, not only by analyzing the foundations of the republican conception of freedom linked to political engagement and civic virtue − as opposed to the liberal conception of freedom as absence of interference in the individual sphere − but also with an attentive approach to the divergences among republican authors on what would be the main factor to define freedom. In order to give this work the necessary cut for the coherence of its development, the thread of the course will be provided by the study focused on the works of Rawls and Sandel, which will also allow for the use of writings of other authors of the liberal and Republican whenever I need to seek answers to the problems raised by the two American thinkers.


Utopia and science fiction: a philosophical approach from the fantastic literature of Mercier and Rétif de la Bretonne

The French 18th century was a very rich period regarding the production of works that entered the field of utopia. This form of literary writing served as a privileged vehicle through which authors expressed current ideas in the Enlightenment intellectual context, and some of them also included in their narratives typical elements of what became known as science fiction. Thus, in this project on propose to take two of these works, namely, The Year 2440, by Louis-Sébastien Mercier, and The Discovery of the Austral Continent by a Flying Man, by Nicolas-Edme Rétif de la Bretonne, as main sources for a study on this fantastic eighteenth-century literature, having as its main objective to investigate in it some crucial questions to Political Philosophy. It is about analyzing the utopian narratives that they produced to understand and problematize their conceptions on what would configure a well-ordered society, from the political ideals that inform both their criticism of the prevailing conditions in France, as well as the solutions indicated to overcome the mistakes they saw in this picture. The research will also investigate the peculiarities of the insertion of these sources in the genres of utopia and science fiction, and how they dialogue with the philosophy of history related to the idea of ​​progress, as well as with the scientific conceptions in development in their time. Likewise, on intend to contribute to divulge the texts of Rétif de la Bretonne and Mercier in Brazil through translations into Portuguese that will be made for publication in critical editions.


Lattes Curriculum:

Profile - Academia:





Doctor in Philosophy (Unicamp, 2014)

Advising areas: Ethics, Metaphysics and Aesthetics

Themes: Critique of morality: virtue, freedom, responsibility, guilt, punishment. Critique of metaphysics: perspectivism, experimental philosophy, genealogy. Culture criticism: nihilism, décadence, tragic

Authors: Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Kant and intersections

Research Line: Ethics and Political Philosophy

Advisor of Master’s


Current research project:

The virtues of Nietzsche

Under the insignia of "culture" Nietzsche reflected on the main discourses, institutions and characters that determined the feature of humanity. His declared task of "transvaluation of all values", in this sense, takes the form of a decisive critique of morality, society, knowledge and art in nineteenth century, which is performed by mapping, denouncing and reordering the usual value estimates. The general objective of this research project is to investigate and welcome investigations into these segments, especially the moral, with interest both in Nietzsche's philosophy and in intersections with other issues such as responsibility, freedom, guilt, punishment and authors such as Kant, Schopenhauer, Plato etc. As a specific objective, the project focuses on the problem of virtues in Nietzsche's work, considering his critique of the Socratic-Platonic-Christian virtues, his own "virtues of future" such as probity (Redlichkeit), and the influence he exercised in the retaking of the ethics of virtue in twentieth century.


Lattes Curriculum:





Doctor in Philosophy (PUC-RS, 2009)

Advising areas: Theory of Knowledge, Metaphysics, Modern Philosophy, German Idealism, Philosophy of Music, Oriental Philosophy, Animal Ethics

Themes: Idealism, Intuition, Consciousness, Subjectivity, Improvisation, Anti-Speciesism and Nonviolence

Authors: Berkeley, Kant, Fichte, Schelling, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Husserl, Adorno

Research Line: Metaphysics and Theory of Knowledge

Advisor of Master’s and Doctorate


Current research project:

Transcendental logic or logical transcendence: Hegel, Fichte and the problem of immediate knowledge

The present work of investigation follows two paths of analysis thus delimited: 1) it investigates, first, the arguments presented by Hegel against the possibility of an immediate intuitive knowledge, developed in the Phenomenology of the Spirit and in the Science of Logic; 2) concentrates on the analysis of the concept of intellectual intuition, the technical term of Fichte's philosophy, which receives different meanings: as formal correspondence with the principle of self-consciousness as the foundation of the knowledge system (Wissenschaftslehre exposition [WL], 1794) as a dual synthesis between action and thought, or will and intelligence, in the 'phenomenological' expositions of the Jena period (especially in the WL Nova Methodo text and in the Second Introduction to WL), until its late development as a theory of figuration or image of absolute knowledge.


Lattes Curriculum:





Doctor in Philosophy (Unicamp, 2013)

Advising areas: Ancient Philosophy

Themes: Logic, Metaphysics, Epistemology and Ethics in Ancient Philosophy

Authors: Plato and Aristotle

Research Line: Metaphysics and Theory of Knowledge

Advisor of Master’s and Doctorate


Current research project:

Aristotelian Paradigmatism

The goal is to investigate the very little explored Aristotelian paradigmatism, a theory according to which the intelligibility of any (homogeneous) multiplicity of objects (eg color, rectilinear figures, movements, etc.) depends, to some extent, on the establishment of a paradigm that acts as a principle of knowledge, in reference to which the members of the multiplicity correlated to it are judged and gain knowability. Aristotle points to the origin of this theory in the realm of mathematics − more precisely in arithmetic, where the paradigm is unity and numbers make up the correlative multiplicity on which that principle operates − and it seems to assume that its application extends to all categories of realities. The main purpose of this research is not only to reconstitute this theory in detail, through the texts of Metaphysics in which Aristotle alludes to it, but also to identify and evaluate the occurrence of this doctrine in his other works, in order to determine the importance attributed to it not only in Metaphysics, but throughout Aristotelian philosophy.


Lattes Curriculum:

E-mail: wellington.damasceno@gmail






Doctor in Philosophy (Universidade de Nancy 2, 2007)

Advising areas: analytical philosophy, philosophy of logic and language

Themes: bilateralism, bivalence, conceptual engineering, formal philosophy (application to epistemology, political science, ontology, moral philosophy), non-classical logics, philosophical logics, many-valuedness, critical thinking, pluralism, relativism, theory of opposition, theory of judgment, theory of truth, theory of questioning

Authors: Aristotle, Belnap, Blanché, Brandom, da Costa, Frege, Granger, Hegel, Kripke, Lukasiewicz, Plato, Prawitz, Priest, Russell, Searle, Shramko, Wansing, Wittgenstein

Research Line: Logic and Philosophy of Language

Advisor of Master’s

Current research project:

The ways of disagreement

A formal account of pluralism is promoted in the following way to give meaning to a variety of types of disagreement between arbitrary agents, be they individuals, social communities or even philosophical systems. In departing from monism (a truth, a criterion of correction), such an approach also departs from relativism, insofar as it asserts that the existence of different accounts of truth trivializes the search for any common pattern of reasoning. Instead, pluralism asserts that there may be a common pattern of correction, including more than one account of truth.

Three aspects of pluralism are considered throughout the program: logical, on the meaning of logical constants and validity; epistemic, on the appropriate criterion of justification; axiological, on the nature of values initiating any disagreement.

The purpose of this program is to defend a special theory of meaning: bilateralism, which requires two fundamental types of justification, that is, affirmation and negation, behind any meaningful discourse. An in-depth review of truth values is also necessary to construct a corresponding theory of meaning and to explain an application of abstract logic to long-standing philosophical problems.


Research sub-projects:

Meta-political pluralism

The present sub-project aims to address the political concepts of "left" (E) and "right" (D) through three basic premises:

(1) E and D are political values that oppose the construction of the common good;

(2) E and D are not simple but structured objects whose components are sub-values;

(3) these sub-values are based on the axiological values of good and evil and are paralyzed with the logical values of truth and falsehood.

The characterization of this common good may be of a historical or analytical nature, depending on whether the analysis of E and D corresponds to historical events or general social values that make sense of politics as an organizational activity.


Constructive algebras of legal discourse

This project is centered on an essential use of the known opposition theory in order to produce a finer grained model of Larry Laudan's legal discourse theory. Our main goal is to make use of both logical and algebraic tools for a more comprehensive approach to legal discourse, especially through a constructive approach to truth-values and a question-answer semantics.


Two Logics of Non-Being: Plato’s Parmenides and Gorgias

The goal is to update the "logic" of two dialogues of Plato: Parmenides and Gorgias, through a formal reformulation of these dialogues. In particular, it is to show that the monist ontology of Parmenides prevented any semantic formulation in the logic of the first order and leads to the theory of the non-being of Gorgias. The reconstruction of the formal ontology and the distinction between formal ontology and semantics should contribute to a clarification of the concepts of 'one' and 'being'.

The work is based on four main theses, i.e.:

(1) Unity corresponds to something unspeakable, thus coinciding with non-being.

(2) The Parmenides reduction argument against the plurality of things is based on a hileicist or nominalist ontology in which all objects are a symbol on an equal basis with some others (it rules relations out, only one-one relation prevails); the absurd consequence of his argument (unity cannot be one) helps to support his morphism: there are just types, according to his doctrine of rest and permanence.

(3) The confusion between semantics and ontology tends to obscure dialogue: Parmenides assumes semantic and ontological monisms (they are just types and forms); Plato assumes semantic dualism (they are substances, or symbols, and properties of substances of sorts) as they assume a monistic ontology (only the forms are real; Aristotle will assume a complete hylemorphism: both a semantic and ontological dualism.

(4) Unity needs a semantic monism to make sense, hence the impossibility to express it; these accounts for (1), namely: unity is irreplaceable.


Lattes Curriculum:





Doctor in Philosophy (USP, 1993)

Advising areas: Contemporary French Philosophy, Philosophy and Literature

Themes: Education, Foucault, science, Bachelard, philosophy and literature

Authors: Michel Foucault, Bachelard, Canguilhem and others

Research Line: Metaphysics and Theory of Knowledge

Advisor of Master’s and Doctorate


Current research project:

Education and Modernity

The aim is investigating the idea of modernity cultivated especially in contemporary French philosophy, both in the history of science (historical epistemology) and in the archaeological histories of Michel Foucault. The purpose of the proposal is modern educational thought (19th and 20th centuries), considering two fronts of study: a) modern science and education; b) literature and education. There is a close relationship between these perspectives. The same epistemological ground legitimates them. A common requirement, modern knowledge itself. According to Bachelard, an ethics of the intellectual life. A rationalist engagement is expected of the scientist. Of the poet, the courage of reverie. No pedagogy, then, a priori. Scientific education will have to be thought immanent to the scientific city. In the same way, in the realm of the muses, what will set the tone will be the work, before the school.


Art, Philosophy, Literature: Inaugural Speeches of Modernity

It is intended to work the notions of art, literature and philosophy from theoretical and literary texts considered inaugural in the formation of our modernity. Special attention will be given to the notion of modernity cultivated by the French and Brazilian modernists of the first half of the twentieth century.


Lattes Curriculum:
